XeVision customer HID special solutions
XeVision HID Xe aircraft landing light


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XeVision® HID & LED Lighting for Aerospace, Marine, Military and Industry
HID Mobile Technology
LED Technology
LED Technology
XeVision® HID & LED Lighting Systems for Aerospace, Military and Industry
XeVision HID and LED aircraft landing and taxi light


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XeVision® Customized HID Xenon Implementations & Solutions

Case Study I - Special Application

XeVision lights on Australian CTT tilt train

XeVision lights on Astralian CTT tilt train

Four 50 watt XeVision HID lights are mounted on the front top face of the train projecting a far-reaching superb light cone to the forward rail track.


Case Study II - M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT)

TXeVision HID light on M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT)

XeVision HID Xenon extreme utility light on M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT), installation by GUNMASTERS Defense Systems, LLC

XeVision XV-46-SL lights on shooting target drones

... have mounted the XV-46-SL lamp to the ... oscillating mechanism, for incorporation into the .... target drone. The oscillating mechanism is used to increase the illuminated area of the lamp.

XV-46-SL lights on shooting target drones

Oscillating mechanism with XV-46_SL


Target drone with oscillating XV-46-SL assembly

Partial target drone with oscillating XV-46-SL assembly

On 2/17/03, we performed a test of this combination, mounted inside a clear nose cone, which was mounted to a 2-foot section of fiberglass fuselage. The 2-foot fuselage was then mounted to a tripod with a horizontal and vertical tilting head. The tripod setup is the same as that used in Orogrande for the January 2003 tests.

G. went to the top of French Hill in Irvine, which is 4.35 miles from MDS in Tustin. P. and M. operated the lamp from the back parking lot of MDS.Weather conditions on the day of the test were overcast, approximately 70ºF temperature.

The lamp could be seen from French Hill. The test was taped (from French Hill) on 8 mm video.